North Central Wisconsin Reliability Project

ATC plans to build a new power line from southern Lincoln County to central Marathon County. The project includes constructing a new single circuit power line, expanding a substation, and making minor upgrades to four substations.

  • New power line construction – A new 115,000-volt power line connecting the Pine Substation in the city of Merrill to the Hilltop Substation in the town of Stettin that is located just to the west of the city of Wausau. Wisconsin law requires ATC to provide two buildable route options.
  • Preferred route alternative – An approximately 16-mile-long power line that will start at the southern edge of the city of Merrill and will go through the town of Pine River in Lincoln County and the towns of Texas and Stettin and the village of Maine in Marathon County.
  • Alternate route alternative – An approximately 19-mile-long power line will start at the southern edge of the city of Merrill and will go through the towns of Pine River and Scott in Lincoln County and the village of Maine and the town of Stettin in Marathon County.
  • Substation expansion and upgrades – The Pine Substation will be expanded, and modifications will be made to the Gardner Park, Grandfather Falls, Hilltop, and Maine Substations.

The new power line and the substation expansion and upgrades are needed to improve electric grid reliability and relieve constraints on the current electric delivery system in the north central Wisconsin region. The project will address current and future energy needs, changes in energy generation and support local energy demand.


January 2025
Q2 2026
Q2 2027
Q4 2028
January 2025
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
Q2 2026
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
Q2 2027
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes
Q4 2028
*Dates are anticipated and subject to changes

Project FAQ's


Nearby energy demand, system limitations related to maintenance and other outage conditions, and regional changes in energy generation are driving the need for this project to ensure electric reliability in north central Wisconsin. This project will provide local reliability benefits as well as additionally benefit a larger region by providing another transmission source to an area that extends from Wausau north to Eagle River. Operating experience and planning assessments indicate that this project is needed to provide reliable transmission service in this area.


The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin is the regulatory agency with the authority to approve or deny a project. Wisconsin law requires ATC to provide two buildable route options. For this project, ATC has identified preferred and alternate route options (see link to interactive route map below) that we will submit to the PSCW. The PSCW will determine the final route location.


Once ATC submits the application in early 2025, you can provide comments to the PSCW, either electronically or in writing. You may attend a public hearing and make your statements for the PSCW record.


ATC evaluates routes that balance community needs with environmental impacts, constructability, current and future land use, project cost and specific electric system needs. When proposing new power lines, Wisconsin law requires co-location with existing utility corridors and infrastructure – like highways, where it is feasible.


f you have additional questions about the power line project or would like to discuss it in more detail, please contact Kurt Hendrickson with ATC Local Relations at (920) 338-6515 or